How to Take A 3-Day Trip: Plan & Master The Three-Day Weekend + Cheap Travel Tips

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The benefits of three-day weekend trips are numerous. Taking a three-day vacation is so refreshing, fulfilling, fun, and cheap!

It seems like such a short time, so why bother going anywhere? Well, three-day trips actually offer a great break, helping to prevent burnout, increase creativity, and boost your mood. You would be surprised at how much you can see, do, and experience in three days!

horeshoe bend 3 day weekend. How to travel more.

I will go over the steps to planning a three-day weekend, how to make the most of it, and how to set yourself up for success when returning home. Obviously, I will sprinkle in some cheap travel hacks and money-saving tips!

Benefits of Taking Short Trips

  • Cheap commitment
  • Something to look forward to
  • You will be motivated to live in the moment and do as much as you can because you are only there for a few days!
  • Opportunity to road trip
  • You can pack small (Here at the Hippie Fantasy, we do not pay for luggage)– you can totally live out of a carry-on or backpack for three days!
  • You can choose cheaper accommodations (car camp, van rental, hostel, etc. It’s only three days, you don’t need to shower! It’s okay to be a dirty hippie :))
  • Lively Nightlife at your destination
  • Chance to attend worship service at a new temple, church, etc.
three day travel. camper van travel.

Downsides of a Three-Day Weekend & How to Deal

  • Flights can be more expensive on weekends
  • Attractions may be busier on weekends
    • Wake up early
    • Book/Reserve ahead of time
    • Chose less popular destinations
    • Visit during the off-season

Step 1: Planning a Three Day Weekend Trip

When planning a three-day trip, focus on spending the least time possible transporting yourself there and back. Keep the drive within the 3-6 hour range, or look for short, direct flights under three hours. I like to utilize the “I’m Flexible” or “Anywhere” features on Google Flights and Skiplagged. These will give you the cheapest flight options, and you may go somewhere you would have never thought to go!

You may consider flying on Thursdays or Mondays to save money!

Three-day trips are a great time to test out car camping, which can save you a bunch of money! Otherwise, for cheap accommodations, I recommend Airbnb and hostels. Because you are there for such a short time, you don’t need to be staying anywhere fancy. It’s all about being out and seeing a new place!

Best Time to Take a Three Day Weekend Trip

Three-day vacations are like a shot of espresso to get you to your next vacation, feed your soul, get some Vitamin D during long winters, or help prevent burnout and improve your productivity at work or school.

To boost your mental health and morale, take a three-day weekend in the middle of winter, or during an otherwise stressful yet uneventful time. Avoid traveling on popular weekends like Memorial or Labor Day to save money. Check your desired destination’s “off-season” for the best deals!

For college students, the best time to take a three-day weekend would be right after midterms or an exam-heavy week. You won’t have to worry about studying for upcoming exams, and it will help you come back rejuvenated. The weekend after a three-day weekend could also be a great time, as you may not have labs or as much to do that week.

Another great time to travel is the first week of January. Prices generally go down after the holiday rush, and school will not have started back up yet!

planning a 3-day weekend. Haystack rock travel.

Three Day Weekend Vacation Ideas

Step 2: Preparing for a Three-Day Trip

planning a three day weekend.

One Week Before Trip:

  • Start getting ahead in work, school or life.
    • Try to do an extra 30 minutes of work every day, so you aren’t stressing before, during, or after your three-day weekend.
  • Make a Packing List + Buy Anything you Need
    • Snacks, toiletries, etc
    • Roadtrips: make any snacks or meals you can eat on the road
  • Book Activities
    • Make sure you have any activities booked that you really want to do. Especially on Saturdays and Sundays which are generally busier.
  • Clean your Room/House
    • This is a great time to set yourself up for an easy transition to return home. Who wants to come home to a dirty, messy house after vacation?
  • Note Flight Times/Addresses/Important Information
    • Write important information down in your notes, or take a photo and favorite it. It’s great to be able to quickly pull these things up while you are on the road!
How to take a cheap three-day weekend. Badlands National Park 3-day weekend.

If you are missing work or school for your three-day weekend, start preparing 7-days before you depart. Setting yourself up for success when you return will help make three-day trips more sustainable and practical. You will regret leaving yourself a bunch of shit to do when you return.

These steps will help you become a master of the three-day weekend!

Step 3: Making the Most of a Three-Day Weekend

Do Not Work

Is it even a vacation if you are working or studying? Make the most of your time there, and leave your computer at home. If you want all the mental and productivity benefits of a three-day trip, then focus on the trip!

Get up Early

Beat the crowds, enjoy the sunrise, take a walk and grab a cup of coffee! This will help you experience as much as possible during your short vacation! This is an especially great idea if you are hiking, surfing, or going to an otherwise crowded attraction.

sunrise on vacation. tips for three day weekends. three day weekend trip tips

Walk as Much as Possible

Not only will you save money on transportation, but you will get to see so many details of the city or place you are at! Bonus: This will help you get up early, as you will be tired from walking and go to bed earlier 🙂

Be Flexible

Nothing usually goes as planned, and that’s just fine. Be flexible with your travel plans, and try not to stress if things aren’t going your way.

Try Not to Splurge (Too Much)

On a short trip, you may be tempted to eat out a lot, and purchase more than you would on a longer trip. I encourage you to still try to watch yourself, and eat at least 50% of your meals in. This will allow you to take even more weekend trips in the future!

Plan your Week on the Way Home

Utilize the drive or flight home to fill out your planner, make a grocery list, and prepare yourself for the week ahead. This will help you transition seamlessly from three-day weekend mode back into grind mode!

As you can see, there are so many benefits to taking a three-day trip! They are cheap, fun, do not require a huge commitment, and are a great way to break up a rut or add some adventure to your life.

It can seem like taking a long weekend will add stress to your life, or won’t be worth the money/hassle. I fall into this thinking sometimes, but my experiences traveling always prove me wrong! Leading up to a long weekend, I have so much motivation to get my shit done. It feels like I actually have some immediate reward to work for. Doing this, as well as preparing my house for my return helps me dive back into regular life without too much laziness and despair (the post-travel blues are no joke).

Zion National Park three day travel.

For more tips on how to save money on travel, check out How to Rent a Camper Van, How to Travel in College, and 32 Cheap Travel Hacks You Need to Know.

I hope this helps you plan a trip for a long weekend, let me know what tips stood out to you!

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